Kamis, Maret 26, 2009


Let’s me learn…

Dear sisters Hujan, Mentari and Udara
With each sunnatullah

Pelangi ask to Hujan why your grains not bright and good as usual
Then she ask to Mentari which is shining in nearly dusk, why she does not increase her light so that Hujan can reflection it but Mentari choose hiding between clouds.
Pelangi brood, what was wrong with herself, Why Mentari angry the and not lend her light to pelangi
Finally Pelangi decide to ask Udara which carry out the clouds cover Mentari. “Oh.. Udara… why you not help me create a beautiful canvas so that, I can sit there and begin to portray the colors.

But there are no answers from the Hujan, Mentari and Udara

“Learn!” They don’t want Pelangi is learning to become a sky that can easily change it color. It is not logical reason! Are wrong if Pelangi Color not only Red, Yellow and Green but also Orange, Blue, Nila, and Purple? Are wrong if there is any color that is almost of the same color with sky so that there are parts of the Pelangi that is like the sky? Indeed, that's the color of which may not be known by Hujan, Mentari dan Udara that may also be understood by them.
My dear sisters Hujan, Mentari and Udara

Know me, understand me, please. it is I am. I don’t ever do like that with me. Ask me leave my sunnatullah, which have become part of my characteristic. I am sure there are similarities you are with the other people such as with the clouds, soil, moisture, months, or even the sky itself. But if there is one of my behavior that u dislike. I wish please…still help me and never leave me.

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Assalamualaikum wr wb

I feel sad

When I read in news papers,

Watched on television,

Browsed to internet,

Heard in radio

They are talking about our brother in Philistine.

Our brother in Islam who that never I meet before.

My heart is hurt

There are more than 300 civilian was dead,

700 people got injury

School, hospital, masjid was destroy

And a lot of victims are women and children

Although I know they are will be syuhada.

Israel was kill them,

Israel is truly terrorist!!!


Now Israel tries to blockade Philistine people.

And they are preparing 6000 solder to attack Fhilistine again.

My eyes is crying

When I know we were support with what they do…

We were support Zionism

We were support to killed our brother self


We buy them products,

We use them products,

We heard, read, eat, drink, and watch them products


Brother and sister, I ask you

Let’s open your eyes,

Open your ears,

Open your mind,

And also open your heart

Don’t ever be Israel’s servants



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Selasa, Maret 17, 2009

Zero to Hero


A. Momentum and achievment
Time is momentum to achievment. “For the time” Allah SWT swear. It’s not just a joke.
Rasulullah said that subjection age of people is 60 years. We have same time 24 hours everyday. But we have different way to use it.
Live is collection of time, disadvantage for you if you can’t benefited the time. So use the time and take a momentum. And use the momentum to get achievment
B. They had failed too
Fail is way to success. Rasulullah haved “Amul Huzni” sad and hard time. Rasulullah had lose in battle. Rasul had getting told of Allah SWT.
But it’s process of learn. If you know, Thomas Alfa Edison tried electricity experiment until 10.000 and fail. But he never give up and try, try and try and he SUCCESS.
Creativity and persistence to do self accelerating is a secret of great people.
Remember ; We must prepare to confront with fail!! Fail it’s natural and proper. Everyone have this experience. Please don’t look how many time he fail but look how many time he can give up after fail.
Why we often suffer from a loos momentum??
In our live we have more duty than time of the available. Actually we just have three time : yesterday it’s be not ours again. Tomorrow at loose ends be ours. And now, in our hand.
So, why often suffer from a loos momentum??:
1. Decrease sensivity of benefaction
Cause faith not perfevid again. Heart Decrease sensivity to catch benefaction signal and we late to clucthed momentum.
2. Didn’t have knowledge
Why Abu Bakar fast give respons in every benefaction? Cause Umar know that every benefaction will broaden his house in heaven.
3. Cause Allah tow our success
Secret of success is readiness to confront with opportunity if this opportunity comenth.
So if suffer from a loos momentum maybe Allah noy\t belief yet with his self to get sucess.
4. Not proactive
Momentum have the quality fast drawing to an end.
Have desire and hitch wage to a star
Today is our dream in yesterday and tommorow is our dream today. Desire is success indication the great people. Desire is gasoline to move.
Start from zero
Return from zero!! Actually, who i’am ? Remember that Allah call into being our self and then we will return to Allah SWT.
So, make our self zero with “laa ilaaha illallah” just Allah. In mathematics result 1 for zero is illimitable.
Be hero!! Be great in right way
Be great with right way is with goodwill. Becarefull sometimes deed didn’t have value cause fault aim.
Looking for self philosophy
Maybe you want be like magnetic, water, wind, sun or anything. Get the spirit!!!
Be Hero!!! Doing Fantastic Work
We have a lot of potential but sometimes closed cause sin and lust. If we found the potential, please don’t make to no purpose.
Potensi like a water, if stagnate will rotten. If flow make fertile. If move bring to life. If managed give benefit. So, now we must like water, move and give benefit.

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